Tuesday, May 23, 2023

"The Murder of Crows"

                    I NEED my Readers to KNOW that {justice} Clarence Thomas is Harlan Crow's BOY.  Here, my use of "Boy" is code for NIGGER .   Make no mistake .  Thomas is Crow's SLAVE.  There `aint-no` "friendship"---Thomas is BOUGHT and PAID-FOR and with him the ENTIRETY of America's {less-than{ Supreme Court.  {Almost} EVERY American Citizen will contort, "THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA".    The REVERSAL of  "Roe V. Wade" is {Condemnational*} PROOF of  Supreme Court pitiless CORRUPTION.   Honor, Integrity, and Virtue lie in an open cesspool of  grotesque injustice atrocities ---the stench of which can be experience in every breath of Citizen repugnance .  

          Gentle Readers know that AmeriKKKan republiKKKans* are willing to DEMOLISH Democracy in order to ENSURE their position as FASCIST Rulers .  But also be AWARE that the republiKKKans ENJOY the Hate-filled Disposition of an AmeriKKKan [decadent] BOURGEOISIE whose ideals do NOT reside in Political Compassion .  Here how a Decadency that would make Marie Antoinette swELL with Pride .   Some of you may recall the depiction, "Ugly Americans"---there is no more fitting appellation .

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