Monday, May 1, 2023

"Punch and Judy"


                    I am APPALLED that folks do NOT know what they >like< .   Worse, they cannot state even a FEW of "their favorite things".   How the fuck is that even POSSIBLE ????? !!!!!

          {Outwardly} good, common, and decent folks use, "I haven't given it any thought" or "I don't think about those things" as an EXCUSE for DIS-cognitive IR-rationality .   In our world of "You are what you do", and "You are what you eat"--it seems IMPERATIVE to understand that "You ARE what you LIKE"---in the sense that "You are what you like" is something of a tool to help you describe yourself to others IN AN INTELLIGENT MANNER .   I  ESPECIALLY  take  umbrage  at those who exclaim {in joyous delirium} that they "like EVERYTHING".  I feel like punching them in the face and then asking, "How's THAT, do you like THAT ?? !!!" .

          I have Issues------------------SERIOUS fucking Issues ....................... .



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