Friday, May 26, 2023

Lunatic Fringe

           Trump has RAPED Pandora---grabbed her 'box' and torn it asunder.   He has UNLEASHED All and EVERY  Manner  of  Demon,  Ghost,  Monster  and  Hell Being  which  have  been  Venerated and WORSHIPED by McCarthy and his LUNATIC FRINGE.   

          Recall Trump's daily INSANITY when he Threatened GLOBAL ANNIHILATION because of his EGOMANIACAL DELUSIONS .   He held a Nation HOSTAGE !!   Now see what we are experiencing once again---this time at the hands of Trump's henchmen and henchwomen*.  Once again we are at the Mercy of >> LUNATICS<< ---those that would bring about the CATASTROPHIC Disaster of Political ATROCITY manifested as Budget Insolvency .  Good, Honest,, and Decent Folks  may NOT receive the very monies that they DEPEND on for LIFE !!   Defenders of our Nation will NOT be paid !!!  The Poor and Indigent, the Aged and the Weak will DIE !!!  These folks are AMERICAN CITIZENS -- Democracy Loving and TRUSTING Peoples who BELIEVED in the Sacrosanctity of  their Citizenship .  


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