Sunday, May 21, 2023

"Money Changes Everything"

                     Be certain to FULLY appreciate Combat Compassion by understanding that Combat Compassion is ALWAYS {administered} from a position of HEAVY Superiority.  Superiority is Acquired by Years and YEARS of INTENSIVE Training and UTMOST Devotion to one's Discipline.   From this 'Position' there is actually NEVER a "Need" to prove one's Self to ANY-body let alone some half-assed jamoke who fancies him or her self a Specialist in the Arts.  

          This same "some-such" can be applied to Bodhisattva's who {administer} Compassion to needy Others who are themselves devoid of Existential Resources and EARTHLY Resources as well.   There is a compelling description of a Bodhisattva in the Bible, commonly known as "The Good Samaritan".  Here a gentleman Passerby chances upon a one who has suffered Affliction .  The Good Samaritan seeks to alleviate the Suffering and provides Silver to a `Local Heavy` that he may assist the Afflicted with Medicines and Care.  Understand this :   The Good Samaritan HAS THE MONEY to offer such Aid--Here now we can conclude that this Citizen is 'of ' some Well-To-Do Class .   Poverty stricken Others HAVE NO SUCH MEANS and their only option {option is crude, forgive me} is to offer Commiseration .  

          Money is Power and Power is Superiority .   Believe it .


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