Friday, May 19, 2023


                    By now you've probably asked, "Why does this fucking ASSHOLE need a tandem trailer and/or S--T--R--E--T--C--H bed Mutant ????"   Two words ---TRANSFER !  
          I had to use the lead pipe rollers to move an 800 pounder* about 15 feet.   In the "olden days" it would have taken five trips from the mini-barn to the job site and the weight of the pipes themselves is damaging to these old bones and wizened sinews .   If I had a transport device I could simply load ALL of them and draft-horse the retinue to the Stone in just ONE 'trip'.   Understand that I have NO legs.   {Doing Sword means I gotta SKIP the jumps and execute the Forms with GREAT Care and Measure !!! } I CAN, however, use what little I have left to BE a draft-horse .   Hence, the S-t-r-e-t-c-h Wagon.  The longest pipes measure 5 feet .   

           I always thought I would continue and ENHANCE the Work of my Mentor and HERO Hermann Hesse.   I figured with my Zen Sword Training and Buddhism Studies as well as my Study of the I Ching I could DEFINITELY produce a Logical Progression of {Revolutionary}  Intellection that would make HIM smile .   Remember where he "left -off" in Steppenwolf---he was 'after' Hermine, a Woman of Soul for whom he had a  'lust'.   Here now the highly sought after "Union With The Cosmic Female" -- the Evidence of Interior Totality --the one in which Wholeness is manifested as Marriage {so to speak}.   
          Arrogance speaks of Wonders .   Believe it.  

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