Monday, May 1, 2023

The LIE in b-e-L-I-E-f

                     "What are your likes?" is not suppose-to-be a tough question .   It's not as if you were asked, "What is your 'True Nature'" or, "Can you define your Existence using Zen Buddhist Quantum Mechanic Theory?"  I mean >"I"<  can but hey that's just me .  And so you know, my answer is just this :  My Existence is foundationed* upon the "Mutual Interpenetration of all phenomena" .   On the Street it looks like this : "Life is {like} a cloud that appears, Death is {like} a cloud that disappears".  

          TOUGH questions begin with "Do you believe in" as in, "Do you BELIEVE IN "Reincarnation" and even "Do you Believe in UFO's?" .  THESE question involve the Core of one's Selfhood* and 'get at' the Essence of one's "Inmost Being".    There's an ABUNDANT amount of Humor in, "Do you Believe in Gravity?"  ,, "Do you Believe in Electricity ?"   Here's one of the MOST BRUTAL :  "Do you BELIEVE in your Self?"  That one is definitely punishing and almost  LETHAL .

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