Sunday, May 21, 2023

Code For Combat Engagement

                     There are MANY 'those' who devotedly and stubbornly Believe that Sword has NO 'place' within Buddhism .  I challenge their Belief on every conceivable and IN-conceivable level.   History has evidenced the slaughter of Buddhist monks at various Times .   Cosmic {Evolutionary} Buddhism sought to implant Self Defense as Protective Agency within its Super and Supra Structure in order that the Buddha's Truths and Teachings be maintained .   Chinese Kung Fu Masters received Buddha's Teachings with Alacrity because of their Taoist Legendaries*.  Buddhist Philosophy not only Enhanced Ancient Taoist Teachings but it helped to REDEFINE Existential Doctrines of  Taoist{now-Buddhist} Acclimations*.  [Here now a "Marriage made in Heaven"].

          Any Debate of 'Martial Arts In Buddhism' must be held in abeyance at this juncture ---instead I will offer my years of Study as Introduction to American Zen Sword and Bodhisattva Warrior ----Implications.

          I must begin with the Kung Fu Code For Combat Engagement .

1.  Run Away from ANY potential conflict--

2. Deter rather than hurt--

3. Hurt rather than main--

4. Maim rather that Kill--

5. Kill or be killed-- .

          Here it is where Compassion resides in ALL 'Conditions'.


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