Thursday, May 18, 2023

"No brain, no pain"


                    My body awakened me at 12:30 a.m.  I was both suffocating and drowning at the same time. {Is that even possible???}  Two words, 'allergies'.   One of the kittens, Saffron, heard me rustle and jumped onto the bed, she began to purr, but not the purr of contentment, rather, the purr of "Pappa, I am STARVING".   I got up to relieve myself and her hunger .  There would be no return .

          I forewent* my Recitations and prepared this morning's coffee---once brewed I got a mug and settled into "Chairy-Chair" ----Mercifully there was nothing in my head----I luxuriated in that Emptiness for what I THOUGHT was five hour and a half  later here I am.

          The back injury that has prevented me from 'desk-time' has healed.  I know that because yesterday when I had to load a stubborn {won't start} mower into the cargo bed of the pick-up I felt no Pain.  I sit here at ease, save [for] the Suffering of the World .  Now, in the listlessful* Silence of Early Morning / Late Night Splendor I feel well enough to unload 'What's on my Mind" ---which is WEIRD because I just informed you my head was Empty .   



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