Friday, May 26, 2023

"Jack be nimble, Jack be quick"


                   My "Great Expectations" are riddled with doubt, suspicion, contempt and aggravation.   We, as a Nation, have 'been here' before.  I was one who thought that Mueller would be an "Axe Man", a one who would fell the Mighty with Seven Strokes of his two-headed Axe .   I believed in his history, in his rhetoric, in HIS beliefs, but I did Not question his age---------I should have. 

          Now it's Jack Smith's 'turn'.   We have been informed he is of the same ilk as Mueller---only younger---stronger---more aggressive and more assertive .   Will he bring about the Indictment of Trump?  Will he FINISH his Assignment {?} to bring Justice to bear on a man who masterminded the the 1-6 Insurrection ?  

          Once again we {as in 'I'} are at the Juncture of Myth and Reality---the Location of Desire and Craving---the Desire for Justice the Craving for Retribution .   Here it is were Sorrow and Misery have descended upon the People with ravaging penetration.  Here it is where Thirst and Starvation have become the day-to-day hardscrabble of political {socio-emotional} Atrocity.  

          Are we to be Rescued {Delivered} by ONE Man and his Cohorts {Consortium} ?  We are plagued by the Myth of the Savior, taken to the streets by the Knight In Shining Armor and his Midnight-Black War-Horse.   

          I want Smith to tear the Sword from Justice's feeble and atrophied hand and USE it to administer the Law and ALL its Punitive Sagacities*.   

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