Tuesday, December 27, 2022

All's Hell That Ends In Hell

 ((( Don't freak over the Baby/Cradle thing--- The "Baby" is perhaps a newly hatched birdling*, the cradle is a nest.  It may be that a passerby spotted the nest first, and the birdling next.  There is NO evidence the birdling was injured in any way and went on to fly away unharmed.)))

          At some point we MUST ask, Did the punishment EQUAL the crime ?  Meaning, was the Piper within moral Propriety to abduct the Children and DOOM  "{the town >> without Pity}" to a Futureless* Future .  We are certainly approaching UnThinkable Atrocity at this point, DESPITE the Advance into Paradise, and the Joy and Merriment Within [that Mountain].   I must insist, the Piper had less GRIEVOUS Options , which included, exiling the Mayor , and perhaps those that had sanctioned the Contract in the first place .  You recall yesterday's option :  to gather and herd rats from neighboring "Corporations" and deliver a NEW Plight to the Promise Breakers .   OBVIOUSLY Browning did NOT chose this Option and may not have even 'considered' it .  He sought instead ONLY the "Nuclear" Option, the complete annihilation of the "Corporation" whose Eternal Radiation resides in this Play .



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