Friday, December 30, 2022

Spring + Winter = Sprinter


                    I gotta get out and continue the Fall Clean-up.  2 words ;  leaves, leaves,, leaves,,,and more leaves.  The leaves won't leave me alone .   Not to worry~~ the forecasters have called for Spring in Winter-projecting a BALMY 50 degrees WITHOUT the rasp and scale of razor-like wind .   

          It MAY be that Browning "had an ax to grind" when he wrote "The Pied Piper".   PERHAPS someone had "done him wrong"-- had broken a Promise to him that he had relied upon for its actualization.   So great was his dis-pleasure {Pain} that he sublimated that Pain by writing the Piper .  Here now the Vent and Release of Hurt Feelings and the Sensation of DysJustice* .   That "IT" HADTA be something {{BYYYG}} since he chose the Destruction of Future itself as Punishment for Contract "Welsh".


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