Thursday, December 22, 2022

Tax Tacks


          You must forgive an old man should these expressions drift into non-sense~~~I've been sick despite ALL the inoculations that are SUPPOSE-TO Prevent illnesses of all sorts .   I confess --I'm inclined toward HEAVY Medication--better stoned than dead---at least it's that way for now.   I arose at 1:30 a.m.  W--i--d--e   Awake and free of Linear Time--meaning, 1:30 felt like 3 o'clock.  Since I COULDN'T return to sleep I ignited ALL the Heating units in the Cave {Kave}Space and sat in Chairy Chair's Lap and let my Mind roam "Unencumbered" by "modular" Thinking.   It's interesting (at least for me) to see what a sick Mind will find in the altered state produced by chemical imbalance .  This morn I began thinking about whether or not it would be appropriate to `discuss` trump and his Tax Avoidance Criminality .   I took a couple of its of "Advil" so that my body would just STOP complaining, and figured, "Oh well,,what the hell".  BUT  as I considered the format in which to make commentary the thought that NOW was the Time to introduce a Something I have held at bay for quite some time------------.  

"It" has to do with Reincarnation otherwise known as "the Transmigration of Soul".  You can readily see the problem---trump does NOT have a "Soul" in the Classic Sense of Divine Spirit.  Still ..... .

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