Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Pick & Shovel


                    [So now] We must take some time to foundation the Present with the Past that is responsible for its generation, that is, to begin the summary of preceding Search and Re-Search that was used to base the Conjectures and Hypothesis that qualify Analysis and therefore promote MORE Conjection* and Theorization*.  Here it is where Psychological  >>Truths<< find Difficulty and Obstruction, in that PROOF of Psychological Enmities sometimes Defy Reality, as well they should given their hidden and cloaked status of Primal Instinctuality*.   Direct Attribution, the "Pointing to Mind BY Mind" is, perhaps, the ULTIMATE in "Risky Business" .  BUT---------there ARE >>Others<< who have been able to Navigate the Field Density of  `Mind Generated Mind` there to Reveal Cosmic Knowledge--the One wherein Wisdom, Cosmic WISDOM , is found in its nascent State.  

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