Monday, December 26, 2022

The Hamelin Manoeuvre


          I was awakened to the words of today's Effort .   They were being broadcast by the Universe--obviously to be re-broadcast by me in the forms of blogs .   When I left yesterday's Twitter column I was set to explore the "Why bother" aspect of Critical Study in today's venture .  I guess the Universe saw things differently .   Instead of approaching the Exploration with the tools and methods of Depth Psychology we are to continue with 'Surface' Scrutiny ---what SHOULD be easily accessible to the favored Most.   

          What remains is fairly straightforward-- We have qualified the behavior of the Piper as Salvationary in that, as Savior, he has Liberated the Children from the Domain of Lies and Broken Promises and guided them to a Magic Mountain within which is to be found an Earthly Paradise FREE from all ADULT Sins there to await a re-Introduction into the general Society should that idiot mayor "come to his senses".

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