Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Myth Takes

                     I am among Those that have chosen Mythology to advance the Psychological underpinnings of Human Consciousness that they may Reveal, by sometimes VIOLENT Exposure, the Mind {Fabric} of Perceptual {Dynamics}--the Reality of Intra- and Inter Personal "Politics of Experience".   Geniuses of Jung and Campbell Quality did NOT achieve their Stature by ignoring those "Fables, Stories and Tales" that infused Society with Values, Mores and Morals ~~~  quite the opposite actually .   The Stories of bedtime preponderance held the Keys by which adult ConsciousNess* could be unlocked .   Jung argued that it was these Stories {that resembled Dreams}, that were, by definition,, DIRECT evidence of UnConscious* Expression.   By examining these Stories, one could examine Mind .   Not only THAT, but these bedtime Stories could be 'used' to mold the Mind in such ways that would determine the 'What and How' of Perceptual Reality, that is,  Stories   told us WHAT "To look for" and 'How' to "deal with" what was seen.   Therein lies >>>Its<<< Power----  The Ability to Form and MOVE Minds .


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