Thursday, December 29, 2022

Sonorous Chorus

                     "Bedtime Stories" I SUPPOSE are meant to create a Realm of Quietude in which the reader's Voice is something of a musical Instrument whose vibrations not only soothe the Listener but coax {by melodic rhapsody} his or her ConsciousNess into the Sleep/Slumber Realm .   But here now a Complexity.   Within these Stories, many of which Begin and End with Utopic Visions of Purity, Innocence and Suggestified* Illusions of Primal Eden, there are Elements of Morality, that is, Ethics and Morals are  >delivered< as if and as though they are MEANT to Mold and/or Modifiy the Listener's ConsciousNess .  It must be Remembered the Right and Wrong MUST BE TAUGHT, that, we are born into the Earth Realm with ALL the horrific Vestiges of ANIMAL Gungletrocity*.   I coin >Gung< to tag the Laws of the Jungle as Savage Archetypes --- we are born AS Gung (pronounced with a hard J).   These Archetypes are NEVER to be expunged since they DEFINE (and Describe) our Collective Primal Essence.    Man is a fuking ANIMAL   >>>  FIRST   <<< a Human second .

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