Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Figure Head


          The Primary Challenge {on my end} is Relevancy .   No advantage is to be gained by simple dwell {The Farmer In The Dwell} and by Stare {Stare-Way To Heaven}.   However, BOTH must be utilized, sometimes EXTENSIVELY, if Penetration is to be successful .   It's NO Mystery that the Mind must be "At REST" in order for Knowledge and the Transition of Information TO Knowledge to be "Received".  The entire Process of "Figuring things out" may actually and TRUTHFULLY involve the necessity of "drawing a figure--Geometry Style" in order to first understand then to Comprehend Abstract Difficulties. Here it is where "tropes" are AIDS to this Process.  Tropes, Similes and Metaphors are ESSENTIAL for Conditional Reasoning .   Here, "Connecting the dots" produces a Picture [[[a FIGURE]]]  whereby that Picture is  "Worth a THOUSAND Words".   As I have stated, I WANT Words to be PICTURES and IMAGES of MEANING .   Here it is where the Untold POWER of Imagination is harnessed to drag Meaning from seemingly IMPOSSIBLE Contexts.

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....

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