Saturday, December 10, 2022

Shoshana's Shauna

           IN THE AGE OF THE SMART MACHINE by Shoshana Zuboff arrived yesterday completing the procurement of her {Trilogy} [to date] ~~~ the others :  THE SURPLUS ECONOMY and THE AGE OF SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM (((which I have already DEVOURED))) .    Shoshana {Show Shana} IS the Modern Prophetess of Future Hell, a Hell in which the Minds of the Many are BLEACHED of Singular Identity by means of Commercial Profiteering via Propagandal Hypnosis .  Her Intellectual Precision TRANSCENDS {even} Divinity Itself--such is the Nature of Her Outer Vision and Inner Penetration .  

          It is "as IF" she has 'taken-on' Marshall McLuhan's UNCANNY Brilliance and Contemporized* it to produce (first) a WAR-CRY to FIGHT Propagandal Psychological Hegemony via modern and Futuristic Technology not the least of which is the >> Computer <<  in order to Protect one's Self from 'becoming' both Numb and Dumb to Psycho-Physiological Techno-Extreme-Ism*.   That's the One of >>Device<< ADDICTION ---the one where Reality is 'set-aside' and Irrationality "esteemed".

   Here it is where my own Efforts ---to Re-Configure the American ConsciousNess via Jungian "Individuation" and Campbellian  >> Mythos << 'find'  INSPIRATION both on  Atomic and Sub-Atomic Levels .   Here it is where "Like Minds think alike" 'gives' vaunt to Rescue .  

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