Friday, December 30, 2022


                       It was Dr. Langer who told us that "The Exodus lasted some 40 years so that the 'Slave Mentality' of the Elders would die with them."  I was STUNNED .  How could that Be ?     Were there no other Measures available to Moses [[ ? ]] not the LEAST of which should have been DIRECT Consul .     Instead, the AGONY of prolonged Migration  was experienced AT THE EXPENSE of the 'All'.   

          Here now the sublime RichNess* and DEPTH of 'Narrative', in this instance, the Promise of Promise i.e., the Promise  of The Land of Milk and Honey, the NOO 'Garden of Eden' was held as "carrot-on-stick" to  motivate the Exodons* to Endure the "Agony of their Feet".  40 fuking YEARS to "kill-off" the Old Folks, whose Minds were INCAPABLE of 'Change'.   

          Here now the Promise of Parallel ====== The MASS Exodus AWAY from the Truth of Evolutionary Inevitability and a RETREAT toward the Slave Driven Past of Confederate Atrocity .    Here now the abject DENIAL of a Future that would Benefit ALL and the wholesale EMBRACE of Political Primality* --the one of Subjugation, Oppression, Repression and Gungality*.  

          We KNOW that those of 'Slave Mentality' now twisted to become Slave OWNERS have NO Capacity to be Influenced by Evolutionary Reasoning.    Theirs is a "Trust In God", the Vengeful Wrathful UNMERCIFUL One whose only Agenda is the Cleansing of His Earth by Any and All Means Possible .   

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