Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Con Science

                     Elsewhere I have argued, sometimes with unforgivably BITTER vehemence, that the Status Quo has FAILED to advance into Evolutionary Guarantee LARGELY due to the Human Propensity {and propensity used here is INSANELY generous} to FEAR the Future . I speak NOT of Futurists* whose Vision extends into the Infinite, but of those Souls, who ACTUALLY Operate the Planet's Mechanisms, the Working Class, sometimes qualified as the Proletariat, those of Manuality* the {ones} whose Work DEMANDS Physical EFFORT ---Those whose Existence is DEFINED by LABOR in Labor's Truest Sense .   These THESE, are the Planet's Majority, and yet, because of ANCIENT >>Conditions<< they are, for the most part, BEREFT of Voice, Socio-Political VOICE, the Voice that SHOULD-BE Heard but is summarily REJECTED by the politically positioned and Profit Driven Insane .

          I Confess freely :  These THESE are MY Folks, Parents of my Conscience {Con SCIENCE}.  My Mother was a "Factory Worker" her entire adult Life, while my Father DID manage to 'have' his own "One Man Operation" for {not even} many years .  Neither graduated from high school, indeed my Mother was "pulled-out" after fifth grade .   BOTH were flat-out OBSESSED with me being a SCHOLAR Athlete---they made the Demands on me that identified only ONE career trajectory -----> College .   I didn't understand it THEN, don't understand it NOW .

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