Thursday, December 29, 2022

Trini Trons


                    Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen (Gods In Everyman) describes her Method of Writing-- a one in which, the topic is NOT taken as a Whole, and every consideration accounted for, but rather as a "Spiral" of exploration, a one in which the topic is circled by her Conscience-Ness* to perceive first its Macro-Contents, and then, as the Spiral descends, to expose its Micro Contents--those of UnConscious Constellation .   I have adopted HER Approach, since it allows for the vagaries of inconsistencies, mistakes, mis-looks and ill-perceived anomalies, in other words, in the Heat of subjective refinement, I sometimes {literally} "lose my way", and significant information Relevant to the topic is dis-included, meaning, only a vague 'sense' of appearance exists in the form of outlier residual .  I equate her "Spiraling" to {as} 'orbiting' in that as the orbit decays, it nears its target .   

          This morning's Effort will be directed toward providing Information regarding the correct Perception that Stories, Tales and Fables are DIRECT Expressions of the COLLECTIVE UnConscious as Dr. Carl Jung and Dr. Joseph Campbell have Written .  I must NOT Fail to add Marshall McLuhan in order to create a `Holy Trinity`.  McLuhan's Vision-ality* not only Incorporates Modern Visage to Media Techno-Format* but his Penetration of Language {and Word} Symbolism reveals the Hidden MEANING within the cliche-ic trite of irresponsible superficiality .

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