Sunday, December 4, 2022

"Split Decision"

           "You can't bite the hand that feeds you."  We all know THAT'S >Bullshit<.  That colloquialism SHOULD read, `You should try NOT to bite the hand that feeds you.`  Consider what is Happening in Europe = = = .  They NEED Russian Fuels in order to SURVIVE.  Russian Fuel is FOOD in ALL of its Manifestations and Symbolisms*.  [No Fuel No Life].  You can READ the Problem .   Russia has Declared WAR on Ukraine, and in ITS {Exactions}---Europe as well.  Europe NEEDS Russia {>=<} , Russia  NEEDS  Europe .  Cake ?  Meet Hand !  Shit --- who  said  Gaud  didn't  have  a  "Sense of Humor" ?       Not me THAT'S for Sure .

          Look at it =  "We NEED our [{Sworn}] ENEMY to Feed us".  "We don't Care that Russia is SLAUGHTERING Ukrainian Women and Children".  "We don't Care Be-Cause we CAN'T Care".  "We CANT "Bite the hand that Feeds us".   

          Global Diplomacy {and lack thereof} lies at the `feet` of Fable, and Fairy Tale .  Here now can be seen the EXTENT of Pre-School Rhetorical Academics .    Street and Gutter Common Sense [Dont bite the hand that feeds you] is NEEDFULLY  >Dis-Regarded< due to the IMMEDIACY of Sustenance Procurement .   Yet, War DEMANDS the Infliction of some sort of PAIN upon a Merciless Aggressor.

         Steve Winwood moans, "It's a Fine Line---It's a VERY Fine line,"


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