Thursday, December 29, 2022

I am who You are

                     We should 'keep in Mind' that Humans live approximately one third of their Lives in a State of Sleep and/or Slumber .   Here, the Human Whole is subject to its UnConscious, where Dreams are both the Narrator and Narrative of  `Stories` whose Primal Designs are [according to Dr. Jung and Others]  meant to restore >>Balance<< to [the] Conditions experienced in diurnal activities .    It is VIOLENTLY Imperative to BELIEVE that one's UnConscious {IHZ} Reality ---that the Contents of Dreams ARE aspects and Psychological Components of one's Mind--- that one's Mind DEMANDS entry and Residence in the Other Dimension of Non-Normal and SUPER-Hallucinogenic Visual and PHYSICAL Immediacy .   Sleep (and Dream) Deprivation produces a MadNess* and is LETHAL to the Victim .   

          Within the Structure + Forms of Dreams are Archetypes that have been deemed UNIVERSAL since ALL have been recognized (and many Examined) by the Peoples and Populations not only of the Present-Day World, but the Worlds of the ANCIENTS, who persisted in encoding Stories and Myths with UNIVERSAL >> Teachings<< .   I have contended that these Archetypes `act` as the Elements of the Periodic Table .   Indeed, Archetypes ARE the Building Blocks of Individual Identity ---meaning Archetypes RESEMBLE Genetic Code .   In the same way that the Genetic Code can be manipulated so it is with Archetypes when they 'surface' as characters or characteristics of [in] a Story .

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