Friday, December 30, 2022

"Japanese Movement"

                     I had panned to delve into the Forces of the UnConscious that drive individuals to seek pen and paper to express what's in their Hearts and Minds.   Rite* now that That feels stupid since what's on my Mind REALLY is the uncomfortable "rub" to discuss the Power of the Media and its oppressive use of Repetition to Influence the Collective Conscious in a diabolical Effort to manipulate 'Will' that it may serve to benefit those that seek Profit from Commercial Propaganda .  I have "an ax to grind".   

          I tell myself that it is part of my Political Altruism to try and Protect the Innocent from the savage ravages of Commercial Exploitation ~~~ that, in order to remain True to my Vows and my Order, it is NECESSARY to {ryte} in such a manner as to FOGHORN Caution and WariNess* to those whose Minds are NOT "developed" in a Way that promotes their Psychological Well-Being.  That {shyt} aint exactly a Lie but I must confess that I find selfish Release in Vent and Overflow, and THAT may be "unbecoming of an Officer and most Certainly a Confucian Gentleman" .                      So be it .

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