Friday, December 9, 2022

Season of the Switch


          I'm too excited to even try to return to sleep.    After  what  SEEMS  like     4   l----o----n----g   Years, I finally manged to complete the Kozmyq* Re-Arrange of the Monk-Mermaid Room, the Toolz* Room and most importantly the Cave which has ((as of now)) been {Kozmifyed*} to Kayv*.   

          I have been struggling to consider myself a >> Writer<< in the Traditional [Classical] >Sense<, since, according to one of my "me-s", I'm no Steinbeck, Heller, or Kesey.  HOWEVER, once I kozmifyed Writer, making it Rwytor, I've felt a TREMENDOUS "load-off".  I can "live with" that .   

          I'm-gonna try and Emulate "Grandma Moses" who, at a VERY  >Late Age<   'produced' {Primitive} Art that helped Define what I will tag `Early American Expressionism`.  She X-Perienced* a Release of [her] Depth Imagination, an Imagination that appears to have needed YEARS of Maturation in order to 'find' "the Light of Day".  Grandma Moses as Muse ......... Did NOT "See that coming" .

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