Thursday, December 22, 2022


              Elsewhere, I've contended that 'it' is a Primal Consciousness--the one of Jungle "Eat or be eaten" that DOMINATES the  'Atmosphere' {AtmosFEAR} of the Socio-Political Right .   Here, the {`itinerate`} bondage of the Old Testament  is considered THE --->Will of God .  Here,  one's Divinity is expressed in HIS Will, the Will of Fire, Brimstone, Cruelty, Hardship that MUST-BE --->Directed  toward those Blasphemers who do NOT   'adhere' to the Will of the Almighty .   Here, there is NO Recognition of the New Testament, nor of Christ the REDEEMER, the One who FORGIVES the {Cultural} Sins of Socio-Politicals* ---the One who CHERISHED Human Life ---the One whose Teaching NULLIFIED the 10  Commandments by ONE Simple Declaration >>>  "Love one another".  

          The REASON for this Primal ConsciousNess* is the Scarcity of Reincarnations--meaning--it takes a couple of MILLION lifetimes just go 'GET' your Human Body and then a few MORE millions to achieve [Attain] a ConsciousNess that has as its foundation Socio-Political Altruism .  

          When you 'get' your Human Status you still have STRONG Vestiges of RECENT Animality* which is [then] responsible for a Belief System that is foundationed* upon, "Eat or be eaten".  

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