Thursday, April 27, 2023



                    Know this :  Stories, Legends and Myths are TOOLS .   Their function is to leverage the Mind to help it MOVE {in the right Direction} .   Also, and PERHAPS more importantly,, they CAN 'act' as Weapons .   GREAT Care must be taken in their 'Application' since Words "Cut like a knife".   Be advised.

Rock Steady ........Steady az She goze... .

"Great Faith, Great Courage, Great Question"

                     Spirit, with regard to the Human Condition , has, as its most defining, 3 MAGNIFICENT Attributes, {as set forth by [the Late] Zen Master Seung Sahn}  they  are :   Great Faith, Great Courage and Great Question.    I reserve the Right to expose the Teachings of various and Venerable Zen Masters in order to familiarize unacquainted Practitioners to the Dharma of Buddha, and the Tao of Lao Tzu .   You must have Faith in not only my delivery but in the Teachings themselves---they have withstood the "Test of Time" .    

          Stories, Legends and Myths serve to assist the Mind in overcoming Emotional, Mental and even Physical 'Obstructions'.   They serve as Aids and Motivation to Individuals Devoted to Finding the Truth of their Essence, the Discovery of their Inmost Being--what Zen Master Seung Sahn identifies as one's "True Self".   The Attainment of One's True Self affords the Martial Artist to be capable of "Touching fire and not being burned, entering water without getting wet, and walking through walls without injury nor blemish ".   Here now, have Great Faith that Lao Tzu's words are True as are Zen Master Seung Sahn's.

Swamp Flower Zen


                    I have somewhat inadvertently delivered Confusion to the doorsteps and entry stoops of my Cyber Friends, Classmates, and Cyber Followers ~~ Please Forgive an old man .   My `directive` was directed toward those NEW 'Interested' who have failed to PROPERLY introduce themselves by providing residential location, occupation,  EDUCATION and all the other "tions" that describe their `State of Physical Reality` .   I am one to "Judge a Book by its cover".  Secrecy DOES "Have its Place" in the Psyche, but has NO 'Place' in Public Trust .   

          I have tried to be an "Open Book" --- I have set forth my "Position" in the State of Reality in order that Others can "see" me .   Zen Masters use the Concept of "Empty Mirror" to describe Their "Position in Reality" but I MUST supplement Their Position with the Concept of  >Being< an Open Book .

          The JOURNEY from Student to Enlightened Zen Master may be described in a Book ---hence my Desire to BE an Open Book .   

          It is IMPERATIVE to KNOW that once you undertake the Study of Martial Arts {and Zen Buddhism in General} your Life is NOT your own.   Indeed, you "take on" the Karma of your Society and PLANETARY Civilization.  You Train to SERVE not only your Self, but the Selves of the {Infinite} "10,000" .   This is the Most Noble SACRIFICE of the Great and Magnificent "ALL".



Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Study Guy-d


                    I used to ask my Lower Ranking if they could describe their Sword Practice to their friends, classmates, chums and cronies .   Very often I was answered with blank stares .   They had NO IDEA .  I was forced to GIVE them the Correct Description, which was then met with an enthusiastic, "OH YEAH THAT !!!"   I could only shake my head and laff* .   

          Know what You are doing and be able to Describe and Explain your Discipline IN AN INTELLIGENT MANNER !!!   

          Listen my Fellow Practitioners, there's Training and then there's STUDY .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .

My God --- God-Zilla

                     I LOVE thinking that Spirituality involves Divinity--the Belief that The Spirit is Divine ONTO ITS SELF .   Here, being Spiritual can be equated with being Divine--God Like.   I LOVE THAT.  Each of Us is a God capable of Miraculous Thyngs*, capable of Creations, capable of INFINITE COMPASSION and all that Other religious Yak Shit that foments Emotional Ecstasy .   

          When Spirit is relegated to the draft of plow and harrow it become Passion--Earthly representation of Celestial Powers .   At this Point, [The Intersection of Heaven and Earth] Spirit loses its Purity and becomes subject to Conditional Reality---the Everyday Phenomena of Sense-atory* Existence .   Universal Spirit is "UnCreated*" and cannot be "Defiled", so it is VASTLY different from Passion .   Understand that Spirit is an "Essence" of All Existence .    Creation is an Act of Spirituality--Keep in mind; to Create is to be like God .  Here it is where GREAT care must be exercised because , "We Create our own Perceptual Reality " ---We Create the Conditional Realty in which we live .   Know this to be True.




                    I just spent the last hour and a half reviewing all the "Friend Requests" I have received from Practitioners around the Planet .  I don't know WHY the interest~~~~ but I HAVE asked the Universe for Readers that will make my Efforts to Change the World worthwhile .  {BTW} It is heartening to see that Martial Arts has spread to Africa .   

          Many Scholars attribute the Origin of Martial Arts to both China and Japan, I can see and feel no difficulty in that attribution .   My interest is in the Spirituality of the Arts, the Philosophy and Philosophies that 'drive' Individuals to express themselves THROUGH the execution of the Forms, the Trainings*, and the Teachings.  

          Elsewhere I have contended that mere mastery of Techniques WITHOUT Spirituality is NOT "Enough".  Although mere training for Training's Sake is indeed MASSIVELY Valuable, it is the MIND which also must be Trained and THIS Training finds Necessity in Meditation .   Here, the Body is released while the Mind seeks entry into the Vast Emptiness that has Spirit as Universal Force .   Art is itself a SPIRITUAL Endeavor .  But what now IS this Spirit ?

Tuesday, April 25, 2023



                    I'm-gonna leave you with tw o* thyngs*,  Learn to Dance, Learn to express Humor .   If you can get a Chick to LAUGH she will shed her clothing faster than a lightning strike in a thunderstorm---BELIEVE IT !!!!  2ndly* if you can't Dance you put yourself in a SUPERIOR Inferior position .  "Clumsy" and "awkward" {awkweird*}have NO PLACE in the Boudoir .

          I dated a Chick who had Ballet although she Practice Modern Dance and Majored in THAT Discipline.  She had a Gymnast for an apartment-mate, a one who didn't know how to dance along with several of her team-mates. That asked Patrice for Help .   Here's the Point,  you can understand MOVEMENT and NOT Understand Movement .  Here, technical proficiency can be executed but lack [or deny] Sexual Expression .    True GentleMen KNOW how to Dance and can   USE   Dance to excite Interest .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .

"The Analects of Confucius"

                     First and foremost is the establishment of a physical presence best described as Gentlemanly.   The  Avenue  of  Progress  is  billboarded*  with  "Be a GentleMan*"--a GENTLE  Man .   A Gentleman exhibits "Refinement and Sophistication", he is a Man of Social Grace, Elegance, Education and {of course} Physical Stature presented as Self Confidence .   Here it is where the Gentleman is Calm and At Ease in EVERY Situation and under ALL Conditions.   He is Centered and Unmovable .  He {or SHE} is 'himself' REGARDLESS of ANY Stress generating environment .   In ANY  "Storm"  he is the "Eye" ,  Contained, Centered, and Calm {if not flat out Tranquil} .  

          The Social Graces include Knowledge and Practice of Etiquette, the exchange of Pleasantries, and the ability to engage in social intercourse with Respect, Commiseration and Dignity .   One word encapsulates this, Conduct . carry one's Self with the Conduct of a Gentleman, and here, The Great Master, Confucius, has no Equal .    


The Shell "Answer Man"

                     The "Blind Poet" Homer decreed that there were only two "ways to go", with regard to Life :  "The SHORT Life of Glory" or "The LONG Life of Mediocrity".   Knowledge of this dichotomy filled me with Dread .   I felt that there HAD-TO-BE another choice, another avenue on which to travel .   Years elapsed.   After reading Hesse, Jung, and the I Ching 'The Life of the SAGE' 'arrived' to end my Dread and afford a crystal clear Trajectory, a Trajectory that utilized the Values and Spiritual Orientation of the Ancient Kung Fu Order {my Heritage and Lineage through Bodhidharma and Chogye}.    The Life of the Sage involves UNRELENTING Study, a Study of Self, Humanity and Self within Humanity [on a Societal and Civilizational* Legend*.   

          Here it is where a Sage's Life IS "The Teaching" .

"Street Fighter-Man"


                    The Venerable Kung Fu Master informs us that "Spiritual Reinforcement manifests as "Self Defense" .   Once Self Defense is attained, then what ?

          The late Zen Master Seung Sahn provides Answer, "Once you get Enlightenment, Teach".   Here it is where many of the Accomplished seek their own Schools to spread the Beauty of their Disciplines and in THAT Endeavor to gain a 'side income' to augment their 'Day Job'.   Commendable, certainly.

          There is more, MUCH more .   We live in the most Violent and Turbulent Times .  Street Violence in the form of Mass Shootings [in America], and Protests around the Planet indicate that Corruption is the Driving Force behind and beneath a  'Malcontent'  that itself harbors Fear, Resentment, Bitterness and Fury .  The Proletariat of the Planet have been subjected to an Abandonment that defines itself with a Diabolical Cruelty that manifests as Political Oppression, Subjugation and Perversional* Malfeasance .  The Will of the People goes IGNORED as the Filthy Rich, Squalor Wealthy and Politically Positioned seek nothing short of TOTAL{Fascist} DOMINATION, a Domination that GUARANTEES the maintain-ence* of a Status Quo that protects THEIR Interests .   

        The People Suffer, and Suffer GREATLY .   Zen Master and Rolling Stones Voice, Mick Jagger asks, "What's a poor boy to do ?"

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Be A Uty


                    There are SOLID Arguments that can and do begin with, "Fuck all that word shit"--- I MUST Agree .

          The  various  Forms  of  the Various Arts are Beautiful.   We can and SHOULD 'reside' in this Beauty .   Words, themselves MAY contain and even harbor Confusion, since words illicit various and sundry meanings .   Mystically, the Forms "Speak for themselves".  


Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .


                     There is an "it" that "happens all the time".    Dave Brescia, John Souza and I were hammering roof rafters into place, while standing on 2nd floor [floor] joists.   I spoke up---"I LOVE this geometry".  John returned, "There ain't no Geometry up here".   I exploded, "THERE'S NOTHING BUT GEOMETRY UP HERE ---EACH RAFTER IS A LINE, EVERY CONNECTION AN ANGLE  !!"  Both MASTERS remained Silent----I shook my head in disbelief .

          How did the NOT "Know" ??? !!!!

          The thyng* is this :   You can  BE a Master and NOT `know` ANY Philosophy or Foundational Exactions*.  2 words :  "IT" doesn't matter, the Proof of Capability resides in the Execution of Principles that DO NOT HAVE TO BE NAMED or even Understood .  Certainly Carpentry 'involves' its own  Physics and Geometry but these THESE need not be explainable --- "We" KNOW they Work .  So it is True with Martial Arts as well .  Another thyng is this, 'It' aint enough.




Body Dharma

                    In this title, Dharma must be translated as 'Truth', the Truth of the Body .   This 'Truth' includes Wisdom---the Wisdom of the Body .   Not only do Truth and Wisdom 'reside' in the Body, but 'Teaching' as well .   The Body as Instructor---the Study 'involves' Learning About Our Bodies, what it CAN Do and what it CANNOT .   Here, Discipline and Diligence are the Hall and Bench Marks of Achievement Through Training~~~the Acquisition of the Forms that both Designate and Demonstrate Rank.   There are Problems however.  Rank dependent upon Physical Achievements does NOT "translate" to ACTUAL Philosophical Attainment .   MANY Adepts do NOT 'know' or 'have' a PRACTICAL Philosophy that Defines their Practice .   Their Achievements lack Spiritual Attainment .   

Practicing the Practice


                    I have been inundated with "Friend Requests" from Martial Artists and Others from all over the Planet.  I am quite perplexed.   Why ?????

          When I asked One Such his Personal Politics he responded with, "NO POLITICS, just Martial Arts."  He resided in Taiwan, a recent TARGET of Chinese Imperial Aggression .   I was stunned.

          I have oft quoted a Venerable Kung Fu Master who stipulated, "The study of Martial Arts is for SPIRITUAL Reinforcement...."  , such is the True Nature of the Study.  However, One of the Primary Mandates of Kung Fu Masters is to "Defend the Truth".  Here it is where our Skills and PHILOSOPHY are  utilized  to Defend the Weak, the Poor and the Downtrodden against the Oppression of Stronger Others .   Our Duty to Society and Civilization is not only to be a Model for Mind/Body Spirituality but to advance a Philosophy of both Inner and Outer PEACE, wherein lie Security, Prosperity and Cosmic WholeNess*.   


Friday, April 21, 2023



                    I hold to the Value of   'residing in Beauty'  .   To avoid feeling the Shame and guilt of identified  malfeasance  I  grind my fingers [to the bone] and exert my self until the pain enters my marrow .   I revel in this Exhaustion, it soothes my Mind and extinguishes my Fires that I may rest and find slumber in sleep .   

          Make no mistake, through-out the day Ukraine and Its Peoples are the Back-drop of my Efforts, such is their Karma and the NATURE of Karma itself .   I direct my Energies to Them {and FOR them} that they may find at least one small Bit of Relief in Their Day .   

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .


                     I received "Supernatural Aid"  {SUPER Natural} .   When I needed schyte* [Shit] 'it' arrived with blinding Speed .     When I needed various forms of Wood,,  pallets arrived at Pat's {Outdoor Power Equipment} .   These were NOT of 'common' variety, no and PHUQ* no,, these were specialty pallets that  I needed for heat, Mental {Ph}ocus and  Spiritual Companionship .     Many  mornings I found myself unable to sit `at desk` {"Stand at mast"} and dutifully {obligatarily*} compose renderings  of both Sorrow and Shame.  I  described that  'it'  as being restless ,,,  although "Coked -out Jittery" is perhaps far more APT .   Note that there ARE 'Energies' that can and DO confront an 'entity' and [so] prevent ANY form of resolute stipend* from being exercised ,   I will tag then here as Vibrations but allow me to qualify them as both  invasive and aggressive .   Their Origin is Cosmic {Kozmyq}, in this, you must Trust me.   

          Just so you know :  I was born in the Year of the Dragon, not just ANY Dragon but the Imperial Dragon .  [So was Putin].   My words are as Fire, I breathe Fire and I have wondered that THAT'S why I have ,"G.I.R.D."   My stomach is ridden with acidic chemicals that cause Heart BURN---my Heart BURNS ---hence the Fire in my Words .  I'm jus' sayin' ... .



                    I can rest now.   The Cucumber Bed is made, so too the Pumpkin Patch, as is the BYG Classic---weeded, leveled, raked and groomed .   I added a mini-boulder raised bed to accommodate egg plants,,  a neighborhood Fav and MYYY personal AWESOME ~~~~the color makes me dizzy .   

          Around March {something} I got it in my head to have one Season that demonstrated my knowledge and my wherewithal {Wear With ALL}.  The Staging Area got transformed as identification  of {NOO} devotion to Accessibility, and Efficiency .   I re-arranged the `she-shed` which is actually the HE-MAN shed and added over-hangs to protect the four, {count'em one, tw o,, th r ee,,, f o u r} mowers I use and moved the double-vise work bench beside the table-saw platform .  I even added a Hindu "lingam" to invite Siva to visit .   

          Answers to years-long Questions arrived in a cavalcade of avalanche .  It was startling .  {Start a thing} .   Global Climate Change aided me, as if and as though the Universe {It's-Self } sought to Bless me by providing WORKABLE temperates* that actually promoted Activities and {solvent} Mindsets that [bore] Penetrating Resolutions .   I lived on Mars ....... .


Friday, April 14, 2023

Pave Meant


                    I'm leaving this here.   I'm headed out to move loam .

          If Wisdom can be Beautiful  ____  I give you Joni Mitchell .

                                   "They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot"


                                      "You don't not what you've got 'till it's gone."

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .


Naked and A-frayed

                     Some-One said, "Where there is lack of Faith, there is lack of GOOD Faith".   When we extrapolate we can 'get' :   When there is lack of Trust, there is lack of GOOD Trust.   I have had dreams in which I have told my Sword Students, "DO NOT TRUST ANYBODY !!"   I added, "the ONLY Person you can REALLY Trust is your-Self*".   

          Somehow Truth has evaporated----with it TrustworthyNess* as a Virtue.  Indeed, we live in a Society/Civilization in which Virtues themselves seem not only antiquated but OBSOLETE .   Psychologically this THIS begets, Truth is Obsolete and therefore TrustworthyNess is also Obsolete.  To THIS "This" we must  now add, Virtue [itself] is Obsolete.

          Let's Extrapolate once more this time with 60's intention.   "God is Dead" therefore Truth is Dead, therefore Virtue is Dead .  

          Look at this :  "The POWER of the Divine Almighty".  "We" "Killed" God but NOT His POWER.  Now we are "left" with Naked and Raw POWER as the Vital Force of Societal and Civilizational* Behavior .   You can see IT rite* ?

Jane Meadows -- Jackie Gleason

                     It `aint-like` folks have forgotten, "How it use to be" --they don't KNOW because they were never REALLY informed.   My Generation 'grew up' during the "Cold War"--the Treat of Nuclear ANNIHILATION omnipresent .   Thing is--during THAT 'Time' Propaganda was in the form of TV insanity---Shows like"Father Knows Best", "My Three Sons", "Ozzie and Harriet" and even "Amos and Andy" characterized a Paternal-ality* that offered emotional Security in the Knowledge that the Father on Earth was as `Effective` as the Father "On High".   Vietnam had yet to  make appearance in America even thought the French Disaster was CLEARLY on `exhibit`.   Make no mistake There WERE "Scares", the John Birch Society, McCarthy-Ism were "there" but so were Conscientious Level Headed STATESMEN who were DEEPLY Devoted to a Utopia-Headed Civilization.  The Threat of Nuclear Obliteration was "held" but in obey-ance*.   Walter Cronkite did his "Sunday Thing" in the same way that Fareed Zakaria does HIS "Sunday Thing".   There was "SHIT all around"---Civil Rights as an instant particular--but We BELIEVED things would "Work Out" because THIS WAS AMERICA ,  a Land of Integrity where TrustworthyNess* and Honor were considered Virtues .

Death be Proud

                     What's the opposite of "Merciless Slaughter"  ?

         A War was raging .   2 Swordsmen, one of whom had family, were surrounded .  The Family man turned to his lifelong Friend, "I must kill my own family rather than expose them to the Cruelty and Torture of these madmen.  I ask you to kill me when I am done ."  Such is the nature of Merciful Slaughter.

The Farmer in the Dwell


                    I awoke from a dream in which I was teaching Lacrosse to my Sword students---quite possibly the "Best of Both Worlds".   What do you call the opposite of a 'nightmare' ?   Many several years ago I had a dream in which I was teaching the multitudes as I levitated above them---some form of religious ecstasy I'm sure .  My Counselor at the time jumped all over it asking, "You  would rather dwell in Misery than abide in Spiritual Splendor ?"  {or something to that effect} .    I had no response .

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Man of Steal


                   Trump IS "The Man of Steal"---make no mistake---Forever NOW and forever Forever .   He has STOLEN Reality and supplanted MYTH in its stead.  His Myth is AT LEAST as Strong as Christ's DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THIS CONDITION !!!!   I have accused him of DIABOLICAL CRIMINALITY an Essence of Fascism if not THE Essence of Fascism .   Know this Cosmic Absolute =

                                       Aint NO ONE gonna change a pickle into a cucumber

his people aint comin'-back .   

          We are at WAR !!!!!  We must ACT as if our Lives are Dependent upon our Self Defense .   Each day we must gird our loins, don our breastplates and arm ourselves in order to Defend our Lives .   We must advance into each Day as if on a "Search and Destroy" Mission-  to Search out Ignorance and SLAY its Manifestations .   For you Women out there, Lady McBeth sez* it best  "UNSEX ME HERE" for us Guys it's "Once more into the breech".  

Rock Steady........Steady az she goze....

Sandy Hook IS "Foreverland"

                     BYG* and SUPER-Brains have decried their own media coverage of the MASS shootings of those who have gone "Amok".  The claim the Slaughters have been "Sanitized"--made CLEAN by cold analysis of 'stark-Horror' Inhuman Blasphemies {my words not theirs} .   They wail as BABIES .   Here's some "make-believe" Truth =====  WE ARE AT WAR !!!   There can be no mistake---Putin launches missiles that OBLITERATE women and children ---Amoks* launch themselves and INNOCENTS are "Lost" to Forever, with only a BRIEF recognition of "What once was" pinned to their corpses as if to Identify the Effects of Atrocity .



Pith and the Pendulum

                     I even know what it's all about---Fear and Loathing---I hate myself for not being smart enough to secure the Conditions of Change--within my Self and those of  {my beloved} Others .   Thing is-- I DO know how to secure that Change but it "takes" one HUNDRED years ---that's FIVE Generations .   I KNOW that Change is ALREADY being implemented by the Unseen Forces of Divine Infinity .  We ARE headed to Perfection---the Utopia of an Existence, a one though FILLED with Suffering is not SLAVE to Suffering .   

          "Cradle to Grave" Security---the GUARANTEE of Wantless Want .  


                     I am "beside my self" {split in tw o} because of my inability to solve America's Political Problems---and 'Problems' here is being rabidly Generous.   Given that my EGO 'subsumes' the Universe I SHOULD know 'all there is to know' about Political Science, especially the governance of the Masses.  History is a stern Master .  I FEEL as though the Solutions to GIGANTIC DIFFICULTIES are readily available as 7th Grade `Senseicalities*`, the ones of OBVIOUS "Common Sense" and Street/Gutter Discernment .  My HERO Groucho Marx delivers this ;  "Why this is so simple a FOUR year old could figure this out------------------------go get a 4 year old I can't make "heads or tails" of it."  Here it is where I wish I was four .

          Make no mistake, I have run {pell-mell} from desk-top study-ocity* ---Anger and Fury lashing my every thought---whipping me to sardonic Frenzy.   I have sublimated my rage by seeking sanctuary in the Immediate---the acts of Drudgery Deliverance---the GLORY Wurq* of `strong back weak mind` Ascendancy .   Here, within this "Inner Sanctum" RELIEF .  Here, I can effect CHANGE almost INSTANTANEOUSLY ---Effort manifested as RIGHTEOUS Movement .  Here, I can control Matter .


"Excedrin Headache # 2-17"


                   I've got a "Johnny Mnemonic" headache, that's "Excedrin Headache # 2-17" for those of you paying attention.   It's compounded by injuries and emotional wounds too numerous to cite here.

          I've been "goin' flat out", mindful only of the injuries that sicken my stomach and weaken my Will.  There's this ;  "Still smarting from emotional wounds" within this This, I have transcended Genius .

          I'm trying to make this Growing Season my {B}est---at my age I SHOULD know all there IS to "know" about growing Shit .  Sadly, I am plagued by a chronic Imbecility that absolutely DEFIES my {X}perience and Education .   It's NOT that I can't overcome site-specific obstacles, it's that they "occur" in the first place, due to either inattention of carelessNess .   `Planning` has produced delightful Images, Imagination set free from stereotypical {derange-ments}---the ones of 'ho-hum' drab and UN-resourceful paradigms .   

          The "Classic" garden remains as "Dragon" Anchor, but I WANT more Space to plant the 'those' of MASSIVE Satisfaction ---eggplants, beets, 'zukes' and radishes ..   Last year's corn crop required far too much water, and it's yield suffered as a result~~~therein lies the Problem-- One word :   Global Climate Change ... .


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

"The Patient Conquer..."


                    You MAY need some help .

The Hero With  Thousand Faces    Dr. Joseph Campbell

How People Change    Dr. Allan Wheelis

The Politics of Experience   --   The Divided Self    R.D. Laing

The Doors of Perception   Aldous Huxley

Necessary Losses   Judith Viorst

Toxic Parents   Dr. Susan Forward

Piers the Ploughman {Plow}   Richard Langland

          There is one thyng* you will need and can't live without   PATIENCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .

1/2 + 0 = 0

                     In   How People Change   Dr. Wheelis commands the Necessity to KNOW your "Foundation".  This Foundation is none-other than the present location of your Body, Heart, Mind and Soul.   I must EMPHASIZE the Importance of THOROUGHLY understanding your Present Location because your Location actually Directs you to the Tools you will need to effect Change .    You MUST embark on an Explorative* `Trip` that begins with a "Personal Inventory".   Some of you will instantly recognize "Personal Inventory" as a "Tool" utilized by those members of Alcoholics Anonymous a MASSIVELY Successful Organization of "Brothers and Sisters" DEVOTED to Sobriety .   

          We are `looking-to` achieve nothing short of a SOBERING Analysis of Conditions, Circumstances and Atmospheres {At must Fears} that have `proscribed` no other alternative save Change .    Here it is where Mirror, Scale,, Tape Measure,,, and Bank Accounts are physical items of Mental Anguish .   Change can occur ONLY when these are 'addressed' and/or confronted with nothing less than SAVAGE Vulgarity .

          Here it is where "Half measures avail us NOTHING" !


1 + -1 = 1

                     There is the so-called "Body Politic"---to this I must add, The Mind Politic, The Heart Politic,, and the Soul Politic .   When these are combined we can approach Dr. R.D. Laing's The Politics of Experience with unabashed aggression.  I NEED my gentle Readers to 'hold' the Conceit of Totality as they journey with me.  This Totality represents Individuals as well as Society---when I speak of Individual `portrait` the "Grand Scheme Of Things" MUST be 'appreciated' . Speaking of one is speaking of the ONE [Wholeness, Totality].  Here, "the Micro-Cosm IS the Macro-Cosm"  affords Academic Sanction .   

          However, Chuang Tsu warns us, 

                               "The One is the One, but that which is NOT the One is ALSO the One."

          Here, what is NOT Right does NOT mean it is Wrong .   Be advised.

Necessity >> the Mother of Intention

                     We will assert as "Given" the NECESSITY for [a] Change .   It is implied that Conditions exist as 'present' and that these Conditions are UNHEALTHY to one's `BEING` .   Under NORMAL Conditions we can locate {Chronic} Dissatisfaction as the Prime Mover .  Here the FEELING that "Things just aint goin RIGHT" is MORE than "Enough" to "opt" for Improvement which will lessen and diminish a "Harsh" Reality.   We want to get to a place that's "Better", indeed, "Betterment" is apt .   

          I will NOT explore 'Chronic Dissatisfaction'   {at least for now}  .   The Conditions range from Problematical to Untenable and call to question Sustainability and Viability .   "Whatever..." .   It is imperative to maintain Chronic Dissatisfaction rather to advance into Despair .   Despair is not only debilitating it can be paralyzing to the point of comatose deathicity* --a one in which Change CANNOT be exercised .   



"Kun, The Receptive,, Earth"


                   In 1901 Richard Maurice Bucke devised the term "Cosmic Consciousness".   ALL of us would be best served to Google "Cosmic Consciousness" and [at the very LEAST] peruse SOME of the writing on this {most important} Subject.  Achieving {Attaining}  said "Cosmic Consciousness" is just ONE >>Goal<< of "Change".   Gently restated, Cosmic Consciousness is an 

                                                          E-X--P---A----N-----D------E-------D  Consciousness that "Subsumes" the `Universe of ALL Phenomena`--including those of Mental Formations,  Physical Attributes and Spiritual Profundities .   The Primary Characteristic of a Cosmic Consciousness is that of Receptivity .   One must be WILLING to Receive Knowledge that leads DIRECTLY to Change and therefore Transformation.  On the Street and in the Gutter this THIS looks like :   "You gotta wanna".   


Monday, April 3, 2023

"We seen this movie..."

                      " don't end nice."   

          Democracy is SUPPOSE-TO guarantee the "Separation of Church and State" -- the separation of  Religion  and  Politics .      >>> OBVIOUSLY <<<  it did NOT .   I  argue,,  it  COULD  not .  All Things are subject to the Law of the Universe =  "Arising, Stability, Decline and Dissolution."  There is no escape .  Here it is where AGE is the Guarantor of Change .   Athenian Youth grew into Roman Senility ---both DISSOLVED into where they are NOW .   So it will be with D.C. Democracy .

          Old Testamentalists* will FOREVER defy ANY sort of Futurism that will FORCE a Redefinition of their Religio-Political Existence---{It} can be no other way .   

          Trump Represents EVERYTHING Confederate .   His ARMY is willing to Fight and DIE for Washingtonian Capitalism {barely} cloaked as Evangelical Fascism .    The Myth of the Steal has its ROOTS in Northern Aggression, an Aggression deemed by the South as an INVASION of their DEMOCRATIC  [[CONSTITUTIONAL]]   RIGHTS .   

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ....


You say Hitler, I'll say CHRIST

                     You can see it rite* ?   Trump entering New York as though on an ass, coming "In Peace" --his followers, whose Loyalty manifests as BLIND FAITH, and BLIND DEVOTION, intent upon RETURNING him to Presidential Authority REGARDLESS of his "Past" which they BELIEVE carries No Fault and CERTAINLY No Flaw .   

          Truly, this is not only a HOLY Week some would argue that it is an UN-HOLY Week.  Here is is where the Universe is VICIOUSLY Cruel, the juxtapositioning* of  Easter with trumpian Apostasy .  

          Tw o* words ;   "It don't get no better"  and   "You just can't make this shit uP".


                     Let's go the other way ---Religion 'turning-into' Politics .  Here it is where Evangelical Fascism is the LOGICAL Outcome of a DIABOLICAL "Scheme" where Scheme is the combination of Old Testament VENGEANCE and New Testament Anathema .  Here it is where Jesus is Resurrected NOT to be Manifestation of Eternal Life but instead the WEAPON of Divine RETRIBUTION ---the one where Punishment of the Jews-who-SLAUGHTERED-Christ MUST BE enacted if Universal ORDER is to be actualized .   Here it is where ALL JEWS are GUILTY regardless of their personal History .   BROAD is the Sweep of  Divine Sword .  Here it is where even the INNOCENTS are condemned to Death on the {Merit} of "Just because"   .     


The Power of Shove

                    American Media Nit Wits are "at it" again .   They are appalled and aghast at the Right's Vision Of Trump as parallel Paradigm of Jesus the Christ  .    Within this Paradigm just as Jesus could "do no wrong" so it is with trump.  Just as Jesus was persecuted and Crucifix-ed* so too with trump .   To THEM trump is the Living SAVIOR of Washingtonian Capitalism ---he is the Promise Of Earthly PERFECTION, the one of Slavery Capitalism gone the way of Evangelical Fanaticism, where Fanaticism harbingers FASCISM .   Elsewhere I have described the 'Turn' from politics to Religion----Political SCIENCE gone the way of Political ZEALOTRY .   Here it is where the Antebellum South was INDEED a "Garden of Eden", a PARADISE of UTOPIAN Splendor---a One in which Law manifested as NATURAL ORDER .   Where Democracy itself was the GUARANTEE of  "Live and Let Live" the Confederates experience this THIS as LIE, in that the North did everything BUT Honor this Democratic PROMISE of The FREEDOM of Self Sovereignty i.e., the RIGHT to Live as One Pleases .   It is this THIS that ignited the Civil War--- the Experience of Northern INVASION into Southern Paradisiacal Administration---an Administration that felt IT had the Constitutional RIGHT to claim ultimate VIOLATION of American Democracy .  In America NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO AND HOW TO LIVE YOUR LIFE .  

          You can see it right ?   The North as LIARS and CHEATS ,  Thieves STEALING the very LIFE from {Noble} Southern Plantationers* .