Saturday, October 5, 2019

All Existence Entails Corruption

Yesterday I heard something "out of the Whirlwind".  You Kidz recall the Bible Story, that Time when Job looked upon a Whirlwind and God, Himself, spoke ?  It was like that, only NOTHING like that, it was just your regular Whirlwind of white noise, static and distortion, but from which I "made out" some excruciatingly CLEAR  words >=<  "Putin, and guys like Putin, think the the World is FUNDAMENTALLY Corrupt."  In other words, The World, AT ITS CORE, is NO PLACE for the Cosmic Conditions of Kindness, Caring, Charity and Compassion. 

A bomb "went off" in my head. 

Look at the First Noble Truth >=<  "All Existence entails Suffering."

Now check this out >=<  All Existence entails Corruption.

See why I have some---------------------------------concern ?

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