I doubt ANYONE would care to read Diaries Of A Cry-Baby except OTHER Cry-Babies...how much better, Exploration of Forbidden Territories. Zing, it has and Zust as well.
Allow me to "bottom line" this, so I can save you Gize some time.
I have finally come to "real-eyes" that the Flaw in me WASN'T some ACTUAL Defect--- no and FUCK NO--it was that I was born at all. Don't be taken aback by that. I'm WAYYYYYY the fuck over "That". But I must confess, I'd written that line SEVERAL years ago, as an attempt to gain insight into WHY I had become such a Raging DRUNK.
One time, I saw this Broad, Dr. Doreen Virtue, author of Constant Craving on Oprah. The Divine Negress asked, "What the story about Booze and Alcohol ?" Dr. Virtue almost laughed and answered, "That one's Easy. Love."
I gotta tell ya kidz, my head almost exploded.
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