Tuesday, October 8, 2019


I can't continue this today Kidz, my apologies.  I mean I COULD but it would drain me to "nothing left". 

It may be that a Heart that is severely scarred CANNOT Love to the Extent of Others.  I'm gonna claim that this morning, although tomorrow I may just claim Insanity. 

I LOVE proclaiming that the only "Absolute" in the Universe is "Change".  However, there are other "Absolutes" worthy of that Same >>>here's one now =  "Hamburg is NEVER gonna change into steak."  One more for good measure,from the Annals of AA>>  "Once you're pickled you ain't gonna become a cucumber."

Rock steady........steady as she goes....


  1. The old Nagual CC used to say to us (so are you loookin for love,) he said most being are looking for love and hate.Warriors have abandoned the notion of love of others, he went on to say that a better vision was bestowed upon those who stalked and abandoned the self because it is constructed of inflation and craving.,,that’s always looking for love or hate.Don Juan taught him and he us that what warriors have for those they surround themselves with ,despite endevering to remain inaccessible,,,is INFINITE AFFECTION,He went onto say this is one of the greatest attributes of warriors ,it allows them to feel all emotions even love and hate yet they flow like a river ,this changeless change is part of freedom.Power is bestowed on warriors through their ability to keep this direction, the social order is completely against this paradigm,Because even in the sorcerers world self reflection as opposed to self awareness is debilitating and energetically draining.When ones life situation caused by others fractures ones emotional condition this is the gift of the bridge from the known which is destroyed beyhind you,,,,freedom is not free,nor is it freedom from it is the energy bestowed on warriors ,,,like DSS said put it all down, I asked CC he said this is how one can do the next right thing.DSS used to tell me for decades you are a great and free man it was not until I began to navigate in the unknown with other sentient beings and apprenticesthat conflicts and emotional encounters were placed in the moment and left there.Master DeSilva you are one of the most superb cohorts a warriors any warrior seer or sage could be blessed with.by spirit.All our petty conflicts will be cause for laughter after the emotions are digested and we shit out the crazy.I was entirely wrong to ask you to write a workbook ,especially when you said you wanted to write about my personal history and the origins of KUDK.,it’s like asking a rocket scientist to build me a bicycle, a neurosurgeon to apply bandaids.Though I am asking you to not write my story ,because it is fffn weird ,I don’t believe half of it and it happened to me.I would ask you to send my little note taking much like the ones in CC pocket back to me .I am sending you details only shared with monks,and sorcery cohorts many of which are part of the story,no students under 50 sword forms have been brought into this world.Although you are in a parallel phylum of the world you only have one true cohort whose boundless affection is apparent.Don’t feel alone ,rather revel in your inaccessibility so you can continue to polish the link with the energy bestowed by spirit.Iknow of on one who has passed the warriors grade to becoming a seer but you,!,, seers appear mad,seers perceive reality not triviality, seers use controlled folly to . With a mask the insane oracle dances,Props, both physical and in consciousness are the mindsword.Have no doubt you are an Asura in a parallel world,we are in the same dharma protectors shield wall,,,some day i’ll Tell you why we are so sought after for the spiritual( other dimensional) wars.Us lowest form of the 13 worlds and yet these swords carry infinity from 33 stars.It is my fondest wish that you will awaken in your dreams and enter the body of enjoyment, because there is no attainment you are already doing it,Allowing the self to check you and make you not content to be exactly who you are,saps the energy that you already have,dreaming awake and awake dreaming, sound sound you already understand everything,Your gift box severance package will arrive soon,,,I love you bro BULLSHIT we pick the garbage up and we put it down,,,,,Boundless affection and I still can’t do butter for 1 more year,so now your on top,,,,for now HA 🙏
