Wednesday, October 2, 2019


I've been trying to get at the "Core" of a friend whose "Workbook" he asked me to author.  It wasn't a totally ridiculous request and he , BOTH, of us had good intentions, but the Enormity of the Project has over and under whelmed me so much so, that it forced me into a Past Time Continuum that is at best Unsafe, at worst Terror Filled.
What follows is a Journal entry that is a distillation of Research I have executed since I was 18.   I will not edit it nor will I make comment because, to be honest, I have only a limited supply of Resolve.

I offer this because, in order for me to advance, I must lay aside the Zoo of  Demons I carry on my Mind's Back.  Elsewhere I have provided my World View, but there I have never given the Facts Of My Existence, which explains my Perspective on Reality and which also answers any and all questions regarding HOW and WHY I view that reality as I do.

Listen Kidz, if you don't "bother" with this shit I understand completely.

So--- here goes.

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