Saturday, October 5, 2019

In for a nickle.....

I got awakened by the Universe at 2 a.m.  No biggy~~ I wondered what was going on.  With trump on an un-raveling rampage, and the News filled with Fraught it may be that some  Comments of Orientation  are the necessity of the day.  Of course, I don't buy that for a penny.  You don't get awakened out of a cucumber slumber just to frit and flitter among the foliage in the Garden of E-Z.

I rolled unto my back and peered into the Infinite.  Trump again, My Life In Words, again---then this >=<  Fundamentals, Rudiments, Elements and Core.  Foundation Exigencies to be sure.  Question is, What's the application ?

The SPEED at which trump and his are unraveling has caused blurred vision, and the sickening distress from DIS-Orientation, not to mention the bewilderment caused by the republican Silence,
The Silence of the Lames, which causes unrelenting exasperation.  Everyone, and that means EVERYONE, wants to understand What The Fuck Is Going On.  Times are perilous, the Nation is in Peril.  Oddly, if not grotesquely WEIRDLY,  We, as in Us and our Nation, are NOT experiencing Biblical End Times.  No way, no how.  These are the times when our Souls are on Trial.  Make no mistake here, Kidz---trump's impending Impeachment is none other than Our Own.  EVERYTHING trump and his "stand for" is that which is within our Collective Psyche.

Someone sang, "There ain't no easy way out."

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