Monday, October 7, 2019

Mud Slinger

It's 1:33 a.m. here in South County, North America, Earth.  I haven't been sleeping  all through the night for months, mainly because of incessant battles with Demons who rodeo one Unicorn night-mare after another, all REAL, all exhausting<>  in a seemingly unending battle to raise my Conscious that I may truly see who I truly am.

Well I just awoke from a Dream in which I slew two Demons, three if you count the Little Boy I threw off a mountain side to his death.  His father was more of a struggle.  I wrestled him on rain saturated soil, slippery as grease, but this time I had no Fear of death, he was gonna die -I was gonna die, maybe, and I just DID NOT CARE.  It was a Classic Movie Full-View, in the rain, at night, on a mountain top for "All the marbles".  I managed to knock him into the mud, and kick him toward the Edge--he held my leg tightly, we were both slipping toward the Abyss, but, I kicked his head, his grip loosened, and one more kick freed me and  sent him flying to his death.  On the way down I actually heard his head crack open from an out crop.  That's when I threw his son after him.

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