Monday, October 14, 2019

The Gory Hymn of the Republic

Just for my own head, TODAY, I need to re-orient our heads so that we see the same shit.  Elsewhere I have magma-ed a Case that presents Civilization as Evolutionary "Strategy".  Here, the managed  growth of the Intellect made Co-Operation the Guarantor of Subsistence Plenitude.  It may be written as The Politics of Plenitude, or The Socialization of  "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."  It's all Common Sense Shit just like,  "2 heads are better than one", and  the Native American Classic, "Many hands make the work light."

Here's a Bitter from HH Captain Obvious :::  " When Co-operation fails, so too the Guarantees."

Without the "Co-Operation" of the republicans, we can all sing The Gory Hymn of the Republic.

The Impending Impeachment is Destined For Failure.

The rats want to hold the Upcoming Election as Judge, Jury, and Executioner.

Trump has NEGATED Democracy and its Constitution.

He may try to Negate the Election Results .

What then  ?

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

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