Saturday, October 5, 2019

Plank Skank

Listen Kidz --  I NEED to draw a DIRECT connection from my Radiation Bombardment to my Present "sorry" make-believe man I am rite now.  The Radiation Bombardment has reduced me to doing my beloved Bench Press WITH ONLY 5 POUND dumb-bells.  I shit you not-------.  Back in "The Day" I would WARM-UP with a buck thirty, rep it all day with ABSOLUTELY No Prob.  A few days ago I was strong enough to see how many push-ups I could do ~~~ it was part of the Dave Gallogly Challenge.  I went pell-mell for the Chin-Up Bar and kwikly tore my lats to shreds.  I was in no Shape to even THINK about a Chin-up.  I did, however, keep my chin DOWN and went into the plank position and do ONE push-up.  Here's a good word >=<  PATHETIC.

But don't miss the Point.  It was the RADIATION that weakened me, that sucked the fucking LIFE from my Heart and Soul. 

In that SAME WAY trump's "Radiation" has weakened the Minds and Hearts of Americans and the World. 

We are suffering Radiation Sickness.

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