Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Emotion Dyslexia

My Mental Illnesses keep me Sane.  That's my Story and I'm stickin' to it.  It MAY be far more accurate to record> Knowing I'm Mentally Ill keeps me Sane and Stable.  I suffer from Emotion Dyslexia a Disease I had to devise in order to explain myself to my Other Self.  It's either that or
I must dive into the Depth of Childhood where I risk drowning in a Sea of Shame, Guilt, Remorse and Bitterness.  Why not just "make something up" ?

Everyone wants to believe "Love Conquers All".  I DON'T believe that. And here's the Rub, I can't because of that Maternal UNCONDITIONED Love that was UNAVAILABLE to me.  It means I was born into the Bottom of the Above Mentioned Ocean.   If your START at 5 Miles DOWN, it something of a Miracle when you get to 2 Miles BELOW.  I want Credit for That, a voluminous Recognition of a "Job Well Done." 

That's where I am after all these Years of Training, Zen and Sword Psychology.  Folks have asked,
"With all Your Experience why are you STILL a fucking ASSSShole ?"

Just because I know how to swim, it DOESN'T mean I can swim the Chanel .

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