Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Reign in Ukraine stays mainly on the Pain

I can't leave you Kiz today without addressing Ukraine and its Drowning Position in the Dire Straits.
I've listened to several Folks, supposedly Knowledgeable "Experts" who have recorded that after Ukraine became un-Prisoned by the now DEAD Soviet Union, Ukraine whistle-blew PASSED "Democracy" and rite into William Golding's Land of The Lord of the Flies.  Since Ukraine had no Democracy to begin with, it was naturally unlikely that they could have, somehow, made it, (Democracy), even "appear".   Instead they, as in their Nation, went straight to the Hideous of Democracy Senility, the one where Corruption is the NATURAL Result of AGE.  "Freedom" to Them, meant Freedom to Adhere to the MOST Strident of Universal Negatives, the one of GREED.

Knowing this MEANS that there WASN'T and COULD NOT be ANY of the so-called "Muscle Memory", the remembrances of Ancient Athenian Agriculture-based Democracy.  Tw o words ==  Impossible.  With only the Western View of Democracy in sight, specifically that of America, the Ukrainians Tore Forward with unblemished Cultural FEROCITY, a Ferocity brought about by STARVATION. 

The World has seen these Valiant Citizens, barricaded in their Streets in SUB-ZERO ARCTIC TORTURE, themselves BLAZING with the Fury of DEMAND.  Noble and Honorable are scant adjectives to proscribe as REVOLUTIONARY.

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