Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Whistle Blow Job

I NEED to make certain You Kidz understand that Corruption is a NATURAL Process.  Look around at any steel or iron or cast iron and even aluminum "piece" that's been "left out" in the open beneath ALL weather conditions.  INEVITABLY those items will rust and corrode.  The key word here is INEVITABLY.  A Pundit GENIUS encumbered, "What the Whistle-Blower blew WAS NOT NEW NEWS, not in ANY, Way, Shape or Form."  Sadly, if not SORROWFULLY, we as in Us, have known that trump is a raging piece of sub-human SHIT from the very Get-Go of his presidential campaign. 

What has transpired here in America is NOT some sort of Shakespearean Tragedy, a One in which a GOOD Man makes a fucking HEINOUS decision that Catastrophes [from the transitive verb, to Catastrophe] his life.  I have rendered trump a DIABOLICAL Genius.  His Capacity for Cruelty is matched by Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, and Putin, tyrants all, whose Sole Objective in Life was the Self-Aggrandizement that manifests in Political POWER. 

All these Monsters "sleep like animals".  They had NO Morals nor Ethics, indeed, they consider These, Inhibitors.  No Shame, no Remorse, No Compassion, No Empathy --~~~~~

So Now --WHY is the Whistle Blow Job so surreal-ly dire, and maybe dire is not the best word.

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