Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Guano Mana

You Kidz KNOW that when  I gotta use trump and his colossal BLUNDERS to measure my own yak shit CrAzY things have gone "South" as in "down the toilette".  Every time I'm cuckoo-nuts trump executes some bat shit Guano Insanity that makes me and the rest of the World DELIRIOUS in Sanity EUPHORIA. 

I had WAY too much sleep last night.  For the FIRST time in YEARS, I slept 8 hours WITHOUT having to relieve myself or FIGHT Losing Battles Against Demons and Angels.  Too much sleep makes me groggy and slum-ber-y .   It helps that I have a PUNISHING  migraine, that my Tinnitus is EXCRUCIATING, and my allergies are so bad there's good Pain in my JAW.  Good Times....but I'm fucked and fucked HARD !!!!!

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