Monday, October 7, 2019

He had Guacamole for Brains...

Tonight I fared much better.  The FEAR was inactive for the same reason, I JUST DID NOT GIVE A Fuck~~so I laid out a trap, and when the Rubber Person, a GIANT of 8 feet or so, appeared, I managed in Dream Skill, to knock HIM to the ground, and as he was about to raise himself, I kicked him in the head, twice, once to split his skull, the next to kick out his face and with it his brains.  Oddly, what remained looked like guacamole and sour cream.  This monster wasn't gonna return any time soon.

That leads us to my next Sequence, and this is more to the Core of Sleepless in See Battle.  In this Sequence I have a date with a Woman, a Date I have failed to keep, for many MANY Nights, and now, with Death "out of the way" you'd think "Gee Mister, that's swell", and I'd be ready for the tete-a-tete .   Well, come to find out, Life AIN'T just kicking Demons into the Abyss, and scooping off faces and guac brains with your razor-foot.  Life is about being a Gentleman, or so you'd want to romanticize. 

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