Monday, October 14, 2019

The Inundation of Fecundation

Some time ago, or it coulda-ben yesterday, I made effort to recognize that "Corruption" is, in deed, and in fact, a NATURAL Process.  Buddhist Dogma sets it forth in this manner, "Arising, Stability, Decline and Dissolution".  Here, I juxtapose Decline with Corruption.  For my money, the Absolute BEST image to use is that of a Garden.  A Garden can be Beautifully Conceived and Richly Executed, and for a time it will be Pristine, Pure and Bucolic----that is until, Mother Nature and her Twin, Mother Earth, advance upon said Garden with only MASS ENTROPY as Guiding Principle.  The Twins DEMAND the Inundation by Fecundation---the NECESSITY for Order as CHAOS---and here it is where every weed seed on the Planet, has, for its growth medium, immensely FERTILE Soil, in which to promote a Growth of Vacuum, the One that sucks the Life Giving Nutrient AWAY from Civilized Cornucopia. 

Mother Earth and Mother Nature are FIRST  to Defend  "ALL LIFE IS SACRED".

Every Living Thing is EQUAL to Every Other Living Thing.

"Houston ?                         We have a problem."

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