Saturday, October 5, 2019

Lord of the Fries

I, too, have advanced into William Golding Territory but NOT as The Lord of the Flies, for me, rite now, it's more like Lord of the Fries.  I'm TWICE the man I once was but NOT in any Abstract Pure-ative Elite way, more like in a Fat-Sack-Of-Human-Excrement way.  Woe is me.

I did SEVERE damage to my Self and my Ego when I CATASTROPHICALLY Underestimated the Effects of Radiation Bombardment.  It reduced me to a fat-assed Skinny WEAKLING  a one wholly susceptible to a Sand Kicking Trumped-up Bully.  I was FORCED to use just a mere FIVE pounds to "Bench Press" and even then my anterior deltoids were SCREAMING.  Pathetic gets close to it.

But here's the deal with being a 600 pound sack of living "Play-doh" ~~~ I still remembered what it felt like to bench and do Sword, and I gotta tell ya Kidz I CAN'T live without "it".  It's the deal where I am weak as a Kitten but I want to live as a Crouching Tiger.

There's no place from which to start except "At the Beginning".

Us Democracyarians must have ONE Mind when it comes to REFORMING Post-trump America. It's this >=<   BACK TO BASICS.  That MEANS its a Return to Forever via the Constitution.

We have the requisite Directions, what we NEED to do is Read and EXECUTE.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

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