Saturday, November 2, 2019

"A Fistful of Hollers"

After toiling at Twitter for tw o hours I'm hard-pressed to ravage for a few hours more to produce MEANINGFUL Blogs.  ANYBODY can rite shit for 4 or five hours, I'm PROOF of that, but my Age has generated an Intellectual Sobriety that DEMANDS not only Conviction but Essential Insight. otherwise, what's the fucking POINT ??? > ! < 

Thing with THAT is, True Scholarship makes ITS demands as well>> the so-called Conditioned NON-Conditionality that requires Exposition-al Clarity >> a Clarity that is capable of shedding Light upon the Gross of Dim Witted-Ness, the abject Defilement of  Knowledge, the Subversion of Education, that somehow Weaponizes Ignorance.  This AIN'T for the feint of Heart nor the Weak Willed.  Age has made me Both. 

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