Saturday, November 2, 2019

...the Age in rAge...

I was HORROR-Stricken at trump's order of Unconditional Retreat the result of an Unconditional SURRENDER to putin.  I couldn't write, not because I had no words, but because I was PARALYZED by that Horror.  Paralysis never "use-ta" happen because in Olden Days I was so much YOUNGER.  THESE days news acts as baseball bats in the hands of a Chimpanzee ARMY.  I am beaten into a grotesque submission which reduces me to a quivering-feverish mass of blood-soaked mental flesh which prevents me from describing the Pain and Torment of Human Atrocity, shit for which I use-ta have GUTS.  No longer.

Every day I experience a seeming RELENTLESS Procession of Stephens Past who march by and scream "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU OLD MAN ?????"  Age happened. 


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