Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Shove, American Style

It appears that American Democ-rats have NO interest in prevailing upon 18 year olds to enter the American Political System as a Power-Vote Army, choosing instead, to court, if "court" can be used, those Voters that got out of their EZ Chairs to vote for The Hope Dope, Mister Change himself, Kill-them-with-drones Obama.  Supposedly, in a War, EVERY effort is applied to acquire WHATEVER Forces that can be utilized to achieve Victory.

The reasons for this faithless mis-trust may be nefariously multifarious, and although I am PERSONALLY responsive to, "These kids are clueless IDIOTS", that tag MAY be inappropriate at best, at worst, an insightful PROJECTION of my own mental rigormortis, of the BAD sort, the one that labels me, "A Holder-On Of The Past".  I have been accused, violently accused, of "Living In The Past", the Past of Childhood Trauma, Parental "Mis-Management", High School Conscription Anxiety, and The Viet Nam War, which DOMINATED University Political Consciousness.

I am of the Conviction that The Past has made me what I am today.

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