Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Orange CRUSH

I almost began this Blog by using trump and his life to describe the Failure of Parental Guidance.  Trump personifies ALL That Is Negative About Parental Protection >> Political Atrocity resulting.  As I went to refill my coffee mug, I got mugged by my own Toynbee-esque Consideration.  Way back in a Long Time Ago I argued that the End Of Democracy "was when" America Radioative-ly INCINERATED Millions of Japanese CIVILIANS.  I swear there could NEVER be a Greater Human Atrocity.  Americans talk about "Ethnic Cleansing" after THEY applied Radioactive EXTERMINATION to an entire Nation.  It can't get more fucked-uP than that.

In this regard, I label the Election of trump as the END of the American Democratic Republic, since the Will of the MAJORITY was summarily DISMISSED as INSIGNIFICANT by a GROTESQUE Minority, that of the American Electoral College, the very Same that was SUPPOSE to ENSURE that a COMMON CRIMINAL could NOT ascend to the Presidency.

Look what happened. 

Trump as The Orange CRUSH.

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