Friday, November 29, 2019

...from the transitive verb, to Destiny

I continued my argument by trying to remind folks that ALL of US have the NATURAL Inclination toward dismissing OBVIOUS Negativity and FAVORING Positivity..... > Let me remind you Kidz further >> If we were to remain steadfastly focused on the shortcomings, drawbacks, ire-resolutions and Psycho- Opathy of our Most Beloved Intimate and Closest Friends & Allies aint ONE of us gonna"Get Laid" and NOT ONE OF US is gonna have a Friend in ANY fucking Neighborhood.  IN ORDER TO SURVIVE we MUST exert our STRONGEST Pressure on the Concentration of GOODNESS, the One that affords Us Relief and Respite that we may continue the Trudge to Death that this Existence Destinys.

I KNOW we don't need another fucking OLD-WHITE-PLUTOCRAT-ELITIST, but if HE'S THE ONLY ONE then by IFF definition, HE'S THE ONE.

I KNOW about his "Stop and Frisk" Atrocity.  Know what ??     I DON'T CARE bc I CAN'T CARE--
If I do NOT "Compartmentalize" then I MUST endure the AGONY of "What if".

I am unwilling to endure that kind of Misery.

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