Sunday, November 24, 2019

Constant Raving

I've written in "Else-Where" that had I NOT " gotten 'into' " Sword I would have killed myself in Long Ago.  Alcoholism was an Addiction that served as BARRIER.   It NUMBED me to the World, it allowed me live WITHOUT Love.  Indeed, if ever you are of the mind, seek out Constant Craving by Dr. Doreen Virtue ( I shit you NOT, that's her name, "Virtue")  a Knowing Ms. I saw in and interview.  When asked about Booze she Betty Boop-ed, "Oh that's an easy one---craving Booze is craving LOVE." 

As someone whose Mother did not and COULD not Love, you MAY well understand that there WASN'T enough Booze in the UNIVERSE to satisfy my NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED !

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