Friday, November 29, 2019

Inner Sinner

We can "Psychologize" that one's Inner Core, or Inmost Being is that of  Some Wicket Cosmic Superhuman Entity, like Jesus or Buddha.  Yeah I can agree with that TO A POINT > . <   Even though I KNOW that  the Path of the Bodhisattva is the Galactic SUPREME  I can't walk that Path.  I use if for "Orientation" and not much else.  I have resigned myself >  IN THIS LIFETIME <  to treading a Path that leads toward Rebirth into Fertile Buddha Fields,  Buddhist code for, being reborn NEAR a Temple, and born to Parents who resource Spirituality.  Here, I believe I NEED access to MY PRIMITIVE Instinct-Uality which MAY be triggered by Karmic Conditions.  I NEED this manner of Self Protection to (get this) protect my "Self" from my self.

There is a NATION of Stephens who demand "Voice". 

My Obstinate Bronco Bucks ^^^^^^^^^ ---
My Kung- Fu Cobra has "Fangs".
My Birth Dragon breathes FIRE.

Because I am a Swordsman  I have an Edge.

Chuang Fu translates "Inner Truth".  Be wary of this "Inner".

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