Wednesday, November 6, 2019

..."my parents pay"...

I've been searching for the Cause for The Downfall of the American Republic.  The Cause shifts depending on the Metaphor employed.  For instance, if I use AA as a Paradigm I can issue that The Cause for The Demise of American Democracy is Lack of "Vigilance" >>> that's the one where we, as Alcoholics, get lulled into a Sense of Security, the One where, "It's OK if I have just one drink".  Next thing we know we're back in the "Spin-dry" for Round 2.  In a Democratic State, there is an ABJECT Need for Politician and Policy SCRUTINY, a Scrutiny that GUARANTEES, the monitoring of Potential Corruption so that it can be excised BEFORE it becomes cancerous.  In America there is an attitude of Significant "NON-Confrontation", the one where if a Something does NOT directly effect ME then "IT" is of no consequence.

Presently, I'm of the Belief that this "Attitude-As-Condition" is the manifestation of a Genetic FLAW in the DNA of Democracy.  Democracy can work ONLY in an Environment of INTENSE Observation.  No Observation No Purity.

It ain't "Just That".  Besides the Genetic Pre-Disposition resides the Prevailing Social Order which allows Sloth, indeed, an Order which GUARANTEES Failure of the Social Level and THIS Flaw, I believe has its origin and source in Familial (Parental) DIS-Order.

In an Effort to PROTECT their offspring Parents have quite unwittingly provided a Growth Medium that Viruses Apathy.

Gallogly and I once asked a U.Conn Co-Ed what it cost them to attend.  "I don't know my parents pay."

See it ?

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